Thursday, September 12, 2013


Meet Joseph.

Joseph is quite the character, even thought you would not expect it at first. It took a long time for him to really open up, but now that he has, he is quite enjoyable to be around. He is quickly catching up with Henry when it comes to being a little bother. Yes bother. Joesph is the typical little brother who likes to bother you in any way possible. But more than being someone who messes around, Joseph is such a sweetheart. He truly has such a gentle way about him with a mighty funny laugh.

Joseph seriously has the best laugh I have ever heard. I cannot help but laugh when I hear him laughing.

Joseph enjoys playing football, drumming, drawing, and simply hanging out. And if you bring out the camera, he is always bound to strike a pose or two. Joseph is one of those who you can't help but adore. He is kind but also knows how to have a good time and take a joke. I have found that I can mess with him without him getting mad or upset, and he's willing to do it right back to me.

Just today him and Henry locked me in their room by tying the closet door and the bedroom door together. They tried to enter by passing under the closet door which was about a a foot off the ground, but I told them anyone who attempted to pass would be tickled. Joseph couldn't make it through. He is quite ticklish to say the least. 

I've found that besides tickling Joseph, taking his pillow usually does the job. I love messing around with Joseph and I am quite positive he likes messing around with his aunties also. 

I can't think of anything bad to say about Joseph because he is truly a really great kid with a big heart. 

Please pray for Joseph as he grows into a young man of God, that he will become a leader to his brothers and sisters and that he will do well in school as he finishes off his last term of his P5 school year.

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