Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Boring Blogging

While I was home in California, it was higly requested that I continue to blog frequently while back in Uganda. I absolutely love writing, so typically blogging is not a challenge for me.  But since I have returned to Uganda, I've wanted to follow through and post for everyone, but I just haven't felt up to it.

For one, life has handed me lemons and I've had to make some lemonade. Second, I just don't know how to put into words how I've been feeling over the past two weeks. And third, I can only explain so well. Uganda is honestly something you have to experience for yourself to truly understand. 

The fact is, you probably don't understand. And I need to understand that you don't understand. 

And I was able to understand that last time I was here, but this time it has not been so easy. People have said to me that it takes someone special to do what I do.  Maybe it does, I don't know. 

The truth is, it's not always so easy. And I am sure people realize that. But I also don't think people are always understanding of that. There are days where I want nothing more than to be in the comfort of my own bed and to be able to take a hot shower. Or at least have some electricity in the morning to do my hair. 

Serving God is not always easy, and I've found the right choice is not always the easy choice. But sometimes it takes doing what's not so easy to get to where you need to be. 

So anyhow, let me try to give you an update of what I've been doing. Most of the time I'm just hanging out with the kids in the home. Although, a medical missions team arrive this past weekend. I have joined them in one medical clinic where I helped run the deworming station with Uncle Duane and a few of the kids from the NCFH. After we finished with all the deworming I spent the next three hours or so just playing with the kids. 

Today we went to the school to see the students and watch them perform for the team. It was the first time seeing my students in over three months. It was a joy. And apparently one of the students at the school told one of the team members that she wants to be a "missionary teacher like Teacher Kelsey" when she grows up. Melt my heart. 

I think I needed to hear that. To be reminded of the fact that God is using me here. It's more than I could ever hope for. I'm here to serve The Lord and I am thankful he is using me. 

So, that's pretty much all I've been doing. I did cook a spaghetti dinner for the kids one night, and plan on doing so again this Saturday. We've played a lot of football, and I've spent a good amount of time reading. Tomorrow is another medical clinic which I am sure will be larger than the one on Tuesday, so we shall see how that goes. 

I definitely know I'm not cut out for medical stuff. I enjoy playing with the kids and loving on them. But I'll serve wherever God wants me. 

Perhaps I'll have something more interesting to share with y'all after this clinic. Sorry for the lack of updates and the boringness of this posting. 

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