"There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning."
On Saturday some of the girls and I went down to Mengo Hospital to visit George and Joshua. While there, I ended up spending quite a bit of time with George.
Upon arriving to his bedside I began to think about the stories he would have to tell in the future from all he's been through and all Tyler has done for him. And I also thought about all he's having to suffer through and how painful it all must be.
But it made me think of the song lyrics, "There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning."
Through all George has and will go through, I know he will find joy in the morning. And I know that all those who have been by his side through it all, especially Tyler, will also find joy in the morning.
So today I felt led to make him a little sign with that statement on it to place at the foot of his bed for him to see each day.
And he may not speak English but I pray he can look at it each morning and know that everything will be okay; that he will find joy.
On Saturday some of the girls and I went down to Mengo Hospital to visit George and Joshua. While there, I ended up spending quite a bit of time with George.
Upon arriving to his bedside I began to think about the stories he would have to tell in the future from all he's been through and all Tyler has done for him. And I also thought about all he's having to suffer through and how painful it all must be.
But it made me think of the song lyrics, "There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning."
Through all George has and will go through, I know he will find joy in the morning. And I know that all those who have been by his side through it all, especially Tyler, will also find joy in the morning.
So today I felt led to make him a little sign with that statement on it to place at the foot of his bed for him to see each day.
And he may not speak English but I pray he can look at it each morning and know that everything will be okay; that he will find joy.
Please keep sweet little George in your prayers for healing and comfort through this journey of his. Pray for him to find joy each morning.
If you would like to help fund bringing George or other children back to health, please see the link below where you can find more information about supporting for the Hope Fund. For more information about the surgeries and different things LOBO is doing, add Sherry, the head of LOBO, on Facebook. The link is also listed below.
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