Friday, June 21, 2013

If you make crowns for your class...

On Fridays at the New Creation Centre school, Taylor and I have an hour to do art projects with our students. We never have many options of what to create since supplies are limited, so simple is usually the route we take. This week I had the brilliant idea for our class to make crowns.

So here we are, with our little class of nine, making crowns together. The boys made king of kings crowns and the girls were making God's royal princess crowns. We should have realized that things were going to head downhill quickly when we saw that our students had no idea how to use scissors. It ended up with Taylor and I cutting out the crowns for the students and them decorating them. This wasn't too big of an issue with the two of us and only nine students.

But of course before we knew it, there were students from other classes trickling in. Teachers just kind of let students roam for the most part. So there we were, making more crowns for the students who had made their way into our classroom.

Slowly, more and more students began to come into the classroom, which is about 10' by 10' and is taken up by desks and tables. There is no AC and there are only two small windows. So it's hot in the classroom as it is, so with twenty students in there, let's just say it was hotter than Africa. No joke.

As we were making crowns and trying to finish up before lunch, another woman who works at the school came into the classroom to ask for us to make crowns for every student in the school for their performance they would be putting on the next week.

We couldn't say no, because that's just who we are and we were now stuck in a sea of twenty to thirty children in a 10' by 10' classroom making over 70 crowns, with no AC, I was sick and coughing my life away, while cutting endless amounts of crowns, and dealing with needy students. Oh, let me mind you, it was also raining cats and dogs outside which made everything that much more chaotic since all the students were stuck inside.

In the end, the floor looked like a Taylor Swift concert after the falling confetti and our voices were shot from literally yelling at students to leave the classroom because it was so crowded and beyond Africa hot. We bribed students to clean the floor with stickers, since they are kind of a big deal to them.

Finally the students were forced back to their classrooms and Taylor and I made everyone who was not in our P3 class leave. It was refreshing having our class back to normal.

Needless to say, if you make crowns for you class, the rest of the school will want one too.

We now have the task of completing making crowns for those who did not have the chance to make one. And I have a strong feeling that Taylor and I could write a book and make some big bucks off of it, because this is, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, status.

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