Monday, January 14, 2013

There you have it folks

^ This is how much some lovely people have helped me raise so far ^

My round trip plane ticket costs $2062.30
I have raised $1,890.00

And for those of you are not so great at math, like myself...
(My mom and I were shopping for a baby gift tonight and she asked me to add up how much we had spent so far as she scanned the items we had chosen. I reminded her that I had received a D in math this past semester and that I would be using my calculator. I am not ashamed, I am terrible at math and that is that. I have never received lower than an A on a paper, so I think my writing abilities make up for my lack of math skills. Besides, making me do math in anything besides base 10 is trickery I say. Ain't nobody got time for that!)
...that means I am only $172.30 from being able to purchase my plane tickets!

My total amount needed for Uganda for plane tickets, transportation to and from the school, food, and living accommodations is ~$3,200

So again, for those of you who prefer writing papers over math problems, that means I have ~$1,140 left to raise for Uganda. 

Basically I can get there, but will have to not eat, walk to the school, and live on the streets. My mom wouldn't like that because she would be even more scared of me getting Malaria than she already is. If my mom had it her way, I would wear footie pajamas, gloves, and a bee keepers mask my entire time in Uganda so that there would be no chance of me getting Malaria. 

Anyhow, I just thought I would keep you all updated since I said I would once I got my totals!

Prayer requests:
  • For financial support. I have raised so much already, but I still need a good amount to be able to have a home, food, and transportation while in Uganda.
  • For me to have the motivation to figure out the rest of my immunizations and such.
  • For my heart to continue to be in the right place as I finish my last semester of college while preparing for this big adventure.
  • And well, probably for my mother as she worries about me getting Malaria. 

Merci beaucoup mon amis.
That means, thank you very much my friends, in French.
Yes, I am still trying to make up for my lack of math skills.
I remembered this from my French classes. 

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