Saturday, February 9, 2013

New News

  1. Taylor and I will be flying to Uganda together! Her and I are quite excited for this. Taylor is flying out of Texas, and I out of California. We will be meeting up at the departure gate in Brussels. It will be nice to have our final flight to spend time together before we begin our adventure.
  2. I no longer have a layover in London, but I am okay with that. I will get to fly with Taylor instead! 
  3. Taylor and I are co-teaching in the same P3 classroom!
  4. Our class consists of 8 students, which is small, but they all desperately need help.
  5. Because there are two of us in the classroom, we will be able to rotate in the classroom so that we can participate in the mission outreaches. We will have just one of us in the classroom during those times. Taylor and I are excited to participate in these trips outside of getting to teach. 
It's been comforting being able to talk to Taylor. I am am so happy I get to arrive in Uganda with her and just to be able to spend our flight together. It's beyond exciting to get to know the person I am going to be traveling with, teaching with, rooming with, growing with, learning with, spending 24/7 with for three months. 

I cannot tell you how excited I am to leave for Uganda. I was excited when I first decided to go, and then got into a stage where I was sad to be leaving college, my friends and family, but now I am just completely ready to go. I am back to thinking about it constantly. Especially since Sherry has been posting some awesome photos from Uganda on Facebook recently!

So there you have it. A few new updates. Taylor and I have a decent amount of information to sort through at the moment. Once we have done that we are going to discuss and see if we have questions to send Sherry's way. I am sure I will have more updates once we've done that.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


About two months ago, Sherry gave me the email of the girl who would be teaching with me in Uganda. I was absolutely beyond excited to finally have a way to contact her. I shot her an email but didn't hear back from her. I had sent an email to her school email from my personal email, and many times when I send from Yahoo to a school email account it sends it to the spam folder. I thought that maybe this had happened.

I just gave it some time, because I didn't want to keep bothering her. But yesterday, she emailed me back! And yes, my email had gone to her spam folder and she had just randomly found it. I cannot tell you how happy I was to see Taylor's name in my inbox!

We have been emailing back and forth all day long and are getting to know each other. Taylor is from Texas, is also going into teaching, and loves the younger kids as I do. We both are really comforted to know that we are going into this journey together and that we will have one another through it all.

I am so excited to get to know Taylor more and to see what God has in store for the both of us.

I have a feeling that we are going to become good friends.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Funding progress: $2,030/$3,200

I am only $30 away from being able to purchase my plane tickets. I am still a good $1,200 away from being able to actually live in Uganda. I need to be able to pay for food, transportation, as well as room. If you know of anyone who would be willing to support me, please send them my way!

I also finally found the perfect journal for Uganda. I have already begun writing about my preparation.

And lastly, only 114 more days!

Prayer Requests:

  • For support. I still have a ways to go to be able to actually live in Uganda.
  • I am taking five classes this semester, which includes about 40 hours of field work in classrooms, a Perspectives class, and then of course there is being an RA. Let's just say my schedule is crazy. So prayer that I can stay focused, get done what I need to get done, all while preparing to go to Uganda.
  • There are children who need sponsorship for schooling at the New Creation Centre.